2016 BMES recap
October 10, 2016
Prof. Finley participates in USC Viterbi STEM outreach event
November 7, 2016Congratulations to first author Jennifer Rohrs, co-author Christopher Sulistio, and Prof. Finley! Their computational model of the anti-angiogenic factor thrombospondin-1 (TSP1) has been published in the Nature Publishing Journal npj Systems Biology and Applications! The paper describes a novel model of TSP1 and VEGF interactions with each other and with their receptors in breast tumor tissue. The model was applied to simulate administration of TSP1 mimetics and their effects on the angiogenic balance. We look forward to expanding on this work and testing some of the model predictions!
Check out the paper here: http://www.nature.com/articles/npjsba201630