CSBL paper accepted for publication in Frontiers in Physiology
March 27, 2017
CSBL Ph.D. students earn poster awards at BME research symposium
April 23, 2017The outreach program developed by Prof. Finley in her NSF CAREER grant was recently featured in a spotlight article! The National Alliance for Broader Impacts (NABI) highlighted Prof. Finley’s work with the 32nd Street School, where she is implementing the DrEAMM project (Driving Enthusiasm About Mathematical Modeling). DrEAMM aims to increase excitement about math among 4th through 9th graders. The outreach program closely integrates the main themes of Prof. Finley’s research and uses hands-on activities to introduce mathematical modeling and computational thinking to middle and high school students.
The full article is available here: NABI March 2017 Newsletter.
Congratulations to Prof. Finley and the entire CSBL for this recognition!